Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Anxious or ThirstySave

Sometimes we don't need to analyze. Sometimes there's nothing wrong. Sometimes what we label as anxiety, is actually just our body's way to tell us we're thirsty. This video shares how to approach anxious in a way that gets out of analysis paralysis and into processing through the feeling.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Being You When You Can't Change Them

We can't make someone be someone they're not. No matter how hard we try. So what do we do when it feels like your way doesn't vibe or go with the way of those around you? This video explores this topic deeply to offer you a path forward - one that is aligned with you and who you want to be.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Nobody Knows Better Than You

Nobody knows what's best for you, other than you. In this video, we talk about how to use others' opinions for you, from a place where you know that you get to choose what's right for you. No one else can choose that for you. No one else can know better than you. You know best for you.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Words Matter, But Only to a Point

Words are like the hot water in our tea. We need the water to transmit the flavor of the tea. But words alone don't make the tea. We need the teabag for the flavor. Similarly, the energy "teabags" we infuse our words with is what creates the experience. This video talks about creating the energy tea that you want, because words matter - but only to a point.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Decide from the Heart, Not the Head

Sometimes when we decide, we get trapped in our head. We think of pros and cons, we research, and we brainstorm on it some more. We can't seem to come to a decision though. Everything feels forced. When this happens, it's a good indication that the decision is all in the head, and is forgetting the heart.

But really, much of our decision comes from our heart, and not our head.

So in this video, I share personal examples of how to decide using and accessing your heart so that you can benefit from your inner wisdom, separate from your mind. You'll learn how to embrace the heart to help you choose.

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