No Right Way to Schedule

There's no "right way" to schedule.

We can sometimes get caught looking for the singly solution, the one technique or tactic. And so we try on these processes, thinking that the process for how we schedule is the answer.

But it's not the process - it's about checking in with you.

It's about the energy you bring to scheduling. It's about what resonates with you in terms of how you like to schedule and what makes sense for your day to day. This doesn't mean don't use a specific scheduling practice - but it does mean check in with yourself about how you're showing up and approaching your schedule.

It also means thinking about what helps you.

Does it help you to calendar out every day? If yes, do it, if no, don't.

Does it help you to create a to do list? If yes, do it, if no, don't.

Does it help you to block out focus time? If yes, do it, if no, don't.

Do you want to get specific about when you'll check your email and when you'll respond? If yes, do it, if no, don't.

Notice and create your practice based on what helps you. Not because some system or course told you it is the "right way" but because it is aligned with what you're wanting for how you approach your day.

So much of it comes down to your energy. To the way you feel as you schedule. To how you're seeing the tasks that you're scheduling. There is no one single right way. Instead, you get to create the way that works for you.

This 12-minute video shares more.


Confidence is Not Required


Feel, No Justification NeededSave