Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Constant vs. Changing Self

There is room to play when it comes to how we see ourselves.

We may feel who we are is solid, and we may get comfort from this idea. Or we may define our identity as ever-changing, and get comfort from this approach.

Neither option is the "right" option - and either can work. Because there is no right way to be - and no single identity we have to find. How we see ourselves can be fixed, and it can flow - it's up to us how much.

The key is in knowing one way isn't better than the other. We can leverage this concept to help us live a life true to who we are, regardless of if how we see ourselves is ever-flowing or more concrete.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Confidence Can Be Quiet

You can be quietly confident.

You can enjoy the silence, and feel self confident in who you are.

You don't have to be loud, bold, showy in your confidence.

You can be soft, quiet, and strong. No need to turn yourself into something that doesn't feel natural to you.

Confidence does not require any outward display. It simply requires a belief in oneself. You can have that. And it can be quiet. No show required.

Quiet confidence can be yours.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Knowing When We Don't Know

There are times when we know things that we don't yet know that we know.

This can happen when we start to hear from our heart instead of our head. We can be led to places, things, events, that we have no rational idea as to why it's coming up, and yet is exactly right for us.

They key is in knowing when we're knowing. In this video, I share a small personal example of how to lean into the heart to help discover, honor, and foster that relationship with ourselves so we can hear our knowing inside.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Flying in Self Confidence

We can think of how we work in the same way that we think of a bird's flight.

Work can be a frantic flapping - where we're constantly burning energy to get it all done.

Or, it can be a glided soar - where we take action in a way that flows and helps us productively push forward without so much force.

Which has it been for you? For me, I have many past examples of both. And I find the glided soar gives me a more sustainable workflow. Because I can enjoy the momentum of the work without spinning in a lot of action. When we soar without so much flap, it means we're maximizing our energy. We're doing activities from a mindset that is flowing and free, not one that requires so much force or grit that leads to burnout and exhaustion.

We can all have this. Let's take flight, let's soar, and less remove unneeded flapping so we can better enjoy the work we do.

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Lisa Philyaw Lisa Philyaw

Confident And Humble

You can be self confident, and humble. You can be extremely self confident in love with who you are, and extremely humble, full of humility. At the same time. We don't have to fear or be concerned with becoming arrogant when we become self confident, because arrogance is a choice. Just like being humble is a choice. Just like confidence is a choice. This video expands on this concept.

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